Telegram founder Pavel Durov was transferred from police custody to a Paris court on Wednesday following his arrest at Bourget Airport on Saturday. The Paris prosecutor's office confirmed that Durov, 39, faces initial questioning and a possible indictment related to Telegram's content moderation policies.
Durov, a Russian-born billionaire, was detained under a warrant connected to investigations into allegations that Telegram was used for illegal activities, including fraud, drug trafficking, and the spread of illegal content. His arrest has sparked significant attention due to Telegram's widespread use, particularly in Ukraine and Russia, where it is a crucial communication tool.
French President Emmanuel Macron stated that the decision to bring charges against Durov was "in no way political," addressing concerns over the app's role in global communications and freedom of speech debates.
Durov, who holds French citizenship and resides in Dubai, is known for his commitment to user privacy. Telegram's encryption has been praised for enabling private communication but has also faced criticism for its potential misuse by individuals engaged in illicit activities. Durov's legal proceedings in Paris are ongoing.