Pavel Durov, the 39-year-old founder of Telegram, has spoken out following his recent arrest in France, describing the move by authorities as "misguided." The Russian-born entrepreneur, who became a French citizen in 2021, was detained in connection with allegations that Telegram was used for child sex abuse, drug trafficking, and fraud.
Durov defended his platform, stating that while Telegram is not perfect, it is far from the "anarchic paradise" that some media reports claim. "We take down millions of harmful posts and channels every day," Durov said, acknowledging the platform's "growing pains" due to a surge in users, which now exceeds 950 million. He promised to make significant improvements to prevent abuse of the app.
In his first public comments since the arrest, Durov criticized the approach taken by French authorities, pointing out that they had access to a "hotline" he had helped establish for direct communication. He argued that using outdated laws to hold CEOs accountable for third-party actions on their platforms sets a dangerous precedent, making innovation more challenging.
Durov also emphasized that balancing privacy and security is a complex issue, and he remains committed to enhancing Telegram’s safety features. In 2022, Germany fined Telegram $5.4 million for failing to comply with content moderation laws. Despite the criticisms, Telegram remains a vital communication tool, particularly in regions where privacy is under threat.