Telegram founder Pavel Durov will remain in French police custody until at least Wednesday, following an extension granted by prosecutors for further questioning. Durov, a Russian-born billionaire, was arrested over the weekend as part of an investigation into alleged child exploitation, drug trafficking, and fraudulent activities on the Telegram platform.
The arrest has ignited political tensions, with Vyacheslav Volodin, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, accusing the United States of orchestrating Durov's detention through French authorities. Volodin claimed, without evidence, that Washington aims to control Telegram, a platform known for resisting government influence, particularly ahead of the U.S. presidential election.
"Telegram is one of the few major Internet platforms not under U.S. influence," Volodin stated, implying political motives behind the arrest.
The White House has not commented, while French President Emmanuel Macron insisted that the arrest was not politically motivated, stressing that it was a legal decision.
Telegram, with nearly 1 billion users, has become a crucial platform in conflict zones, especially in Russia and Ukraine, where it serves as a major source of unfiltered information. Durov's detention could escalate U.S.-Russia tensions, impacting the future of digital platforms in global geopolitics.