Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has been released after four days in French police custody, where he was questioned about allegations that the messaging app has been used for illegal activities. Durov, who holds both Russian and French citizenship, was detained at Le Bourget Airport near Paris as part of an investigation into claims involving child exploitation, drug trafficking, fraud, and aiding organized crime. Authorities also allege that Telegram has refused to provide required information.
The arrest sparked reactions in Russia, where officials called it politically motivated, despite Russia’s past attempts to block Telegram. French President Emmanuel Macron stated that Durov's arrest was not politically driven but part of an independent investigation, emphasizing France’s commitment to freedom of expression within the law.
In response, Telegram reiterated its compliance with EU laws and assured users that its content moderation is improving. The company dismissed the notion that it or its owner could be held responsible for misuse of the platform. The Kremlin expressed hope that Durov will receive necessary legal support, noting the complexity of his dual citizenship.