Polymarket.com is a decentralized information markets platform that allows users to trade on the outcomes of real-world events using cryptocurrency. Launched in 2020, the platform utilizes the Ethereum blockchain to facilitate peer-to-peer trading, providing a marketplace where individuals can buy and sell positions based on predictions about various topics, including politics, sports, and global affairs. Users create an account by connecting a digital wallet compatible with Ethereum, such as MetaMask, and can then participate in markets by buying "yes" or "no" shares, which represent beliefs about the likelihood of an event occurring. Trading on Polymarket operates with the decentralized finance (DeFi) principle of liquidity pools, where user-generated funds ensure markets remain active.
Polymarket has been recognized for its unique approach to predictive data, which aggregates individual insights into collective forecasts, often aligning closely with real-world outcomes. The platform offers an educational resource section to explain how prediction markets work and the risks involved, emphasizing the importance of market efficiency and the influence of crowd wisdom. Polymarket operates within the bounds of evolving regulatory frameworks, ensuring users comply with applicable laws based on their jurisdiction. While the site provides robust analytics, including market history and price trends, participants must be aware of transaction fees associated with Ethereum and potential impacts from network congestion.