Pavel Durov is a Russian-born entrepreneur and programmer, best known as the founder of the social networking site VK and the messaging platform Telegram. Born on October 10, 1984, in Leningrad, now Saint Petersburg, Durov showed an early aptitude for technology and programming. He studied at the prestigious Saint Petersburg State University, where he earned a degree in philology in 2006.
In 2006, Durov, along with his older brother Nikolai, launched VKontakte, later known as VK, which quickly became one of the most popular social networking sites in Russia and other Russian-speaking countries. VK allowed users to communicate, share media, and join communities. It gained widespread popularity, competing with global platforms like Facebook. Durov served as the CEO of VK until 2014, during which time the platform amassed millions of users.
In 2013, Durov founded Telegram, a cloud-based instant messaging service known for its emphasis on security and privacy. Telegram allows users to send messages, photos, and files, and is known for features such as end-to-end encryption, secret chats, and large group capabilities. The platform grew rapidly, especially among users concerned with privacy, and gained international popularity, amassing over 500 million active users by 2021.
In 2014, Durov left Russia and VK after a series of disputes with the government, which sought greater control over the platform's user data. Following his departure, Durov became a vocal advocate for privacy and digital freedoms. He has since lived abroad, frequently moving between countries, and continues to lead the development of Telegram.
Durov's influence extends beyond his companies. His work on both VK and Telegram has shaped the landscape of social media and messaging platforms, particularly with regard to issues of privacy and security.