Joker: Folie à Deux, directed by Todd Phillips, is a 2024 American musical psychological thriller and a sequel to the 2019 film Joker. This film once again stars Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck, also known as the Joker, alongside Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn. The storyline picks up with Arthur institutionalized at Arkham Asylum, where he meets Harley, a psychiatric patient who develops a romantic obsession with him. The narrative follows their shared descent into madness, exploring themes of love and chaos through a mix of psychological drama and musical elements. The film is known for its significant musical performances, which feature Phoenix and Gaga performing together, contributing to the film's unique atmosphere.
Filming for Joker: Folie à Deux began in December 2022 in Los Angeles and New York, with additional scenes shot on location, such as the iconic "Joker Stairs" in the Bronx, New York. The movie was shot by cinematographer Lawrence Sher and edited by Jeff Groth, both of whom worked on the original film. The music, composed by Hildur Guðnadóttir, includes a range of songs that underscore the intense emotional scenes and build upon her Oscar-winning score from the first film.
The movie was officially released in North America on October 4, 2024, with a premiere earlier in September. Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, it is not part of the main DC Extended Universe but is considered an "Elseworlds" title, focusing on a standalone character arc. The film has received mixed reviews, with some critics praising the bold direction and Phoenix and Gaga’s performances, while others find the musical approach divisive.